KHADI Become International Trademark

The details of countries who got International Registrations (wordmark- KHADI) and International Registrations (Khadi logo) for the Khadi Village Industries Commission (KVIC) is as follows:
International Trademark Registration Name of the countries
International Registrations (wordmark- KHADI) Germany, U.K., Australia, Russia, China, Oman, Kuwait, Mexico, Myanmar, Maldives
International Registrations (Khadi logo) Bhutan, Oman, UAE, Kuwait Mexico, UK, Myanmar, Austria,  Maldives

Note No TM registration laws in the Maldives. Myanmar (Declaration of Title registered)


After the Trademark registration in foreign countries, there is a possibility of a tremendous increase in the exports of Khadi and Village Industries (KVI) products. As there will be coordinated exports, more and more people will come forward to export the Khadi products under these Khadi Trademarks.

All Village Industries units (Rural Employment Generation Programme-REGP / Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme-PMEGP) engaged in manufacturing of KVI products, traders, stockists, whole-sellers, etc. are eligible for getting the Trademark Licence on payment of fee from KVIC. With the launch of the trademark licensing program, an average of 10,000 units are to be registered for “Khadi India” Trademark Licenses and get the benefit.

This information was given by Union Minister for MSME Shri Narayan Rane in a written reply in Lok Sabha today.