FYJC admissions 2nd merit list


After delays in announcing the first merit list last week, the state’s education department announced the second list for admissions to first-year junior college (FYJC) at 12 pm on Thursday, five hours ahead of schedule.

Cut-offs for commerce and science fell in most colleges, but surprisingly, arts rose by a few points. At Vaze Kelkar College, Mulund, the cut-off for arts increased by 8 marks to 85.6%, while commerce fell by just one mark to 89.4%. Science was down by 6 marks to 91.4%.

NM College, Vile Parle saw their commerce cut-off dip by one mark to 91.6%. In Jai Hind College, Churchgate, commerce and arts decreased by 0.2% and 0.8%. Commerce cut off is 89.2%, arts is 87.8% but science plunged down to 81.6%.

“We have received several high scorers in commerce and arts. Highest score in arts is 93.8%,” said Ashok Wadia, principal.


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