MSRTC starting 24×7 call center soon


In a relief to about 66 lakh passengers who take the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) buses, the state government undertaking will set up a 24×7 call centre in Mumbai to handle queries and complaints of passengers for the first time.

The call centre will provide information about the schedule of MSRTC buses, reservations, schemes on tickets and passes. This includes air-conditioned Shivneri buses from Mumbai to Pune.

“The existing helpline number, 1800-22-1250, will redirect the passengers to the call centre,” said MSRTC spokesperson, adding that the public transport body had signed an agreement with a private company — Say Future India Private Limited — for setting up the call centres.

According to the undertaking officials, the call centre is expected to be ready in the next two months. MSRTC will pay the company Rs1 crore to run the call centre. “The call centre is necessary for immediate redressal of complaints and queries, besides making the service passenger-friendly,” said DiwakarRaote, state transport minister, and MSRTC chairman.


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