Delhi smoking as signs of toxic founds in men lungs


Doctors’ advice smoker to stop smoking to avoid lungs cancer but what happens when city become the reason of lungs cancer due to high pollution and effect even non-smokers.

High air pollution levels in the Capital is come to affect the health specifically your lungs.  This image has founded from the medical records of patients in the city that damage is extensive and much real due to pollution.

After sharing the images with The Hindu, Prof. Arvind Kumar, Chairman, and Centre for Chest Surgery and Lung Transplantation, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital said: “These images say it all.”

We are currently living in a state of emergency which is indicated by our lungs poison. Earlier 90’s, doctors were quite familiar to see pink lungs but today it is not.  Now we can see carbon and other toxic among every patient’s weather smoker or nonsmokers. Now the woman is also a part of lung cancer who are non-smokers.

This is absolute worst, “We are now seeing teenaged patients who have lungs with black spots, which is an indication of toxic deposits due to air pollution, Dr. Kumar said.  We have patients who have never had asthma but are now experiencing similar symptoms like wheezing and breathlessness Dr. Anil Bansalsaid.

A man takes approximately 25,000 breaths a day on average and each breath of this polluted air is slowly killing us Delhi. Delhi’s air is 7 to 12 times more polluted than the permissible limits set by World Health Organisation.



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